In the Media
Rainmaking for Women Lawyers: Turning a Mist into a Deluge (Solaria)
Recently, Kate was featured as a panelist at FAWL Summit 2018 for the Florida Association of Women Lawyers.
Dealing with Immigration? (Kate Mesic)
Kate shares her personal story about her immigration from Moscow and her take on the issues today.
When You Need A Criminal Defense Attorney (Kate Mesic)
Attorney Kate Mesic speaks to Lillian McDermott about what to do if you ever get a DUI or you are in trouble with the law.
Listen to the Full Interview Here
Pulled Over for DUI? What Happens Next? (Kate Mesic)
First of all, I hope you are never in this situation.
But here are some important things that people wish they’d known before they are stopped on suspicion of driving under the influence.
People are often confused about what happens next when blue lights come up behind them. It’s helpful to understand a typical DUI stop.
Read the Full Article Here
When Your Spouse is Arrested for DUI (Kate Mesic)
It usually happens on Friday or Saturday night. You get a phone call from a number you don’t recognize. You don’t pick up. But the person keeps calling. When you finally do pick up, you hear the message: “This is a collect call from [your spouse’s name, in their voice].” They’re calling you from jail.
Then you will hear your options for answering the call. Most of the time, you need to purchase phone minutes through a third-party provider to complete the call. The spouse will say they have been arrested and when their first appearance is.
After the DUI Arrest: Can You Get a Do-over? (Kate Mesic)
Many DUI suspects feel as if their only option is to plead guilty and put their charge behind them, but that can be hard to do with a conviction on your permanent record. Instead, all DUI suspects should explore the possibility of arguing for a lesser charge that can later be expunged.
5 Reasons Why The New Revised Limited Liability Company Act Will Have An Effect On Small Businesses (Kate Mesic)
As a business owner, you know that what you don’t know could hurt you in the long run. Remember ignorance of the law is not a defense.
A prime example is the newly revised law applicable to Florida limited liability companies. The Florida legislature added Chapter 605 to Florida Statutes, replacing Chapter 608, which previously dealt with LLCs.
As of Jan. 1, 2015 the new law applies to all LLCs, whether they were created before 2014 or after. This is why business owners need to pay attention to the changes that the revised LLC Act brings.
Read the Full ArticleHere
The Benefits of Building a Proactive Relationship with Your Lawyer (Kate Mesic)
Hiring a lawyer can be like pulling a tooth—the damage may be done before you do it. Waiting to hire a lawyer until you absolutely need one could cost you more time, money and hardship than if you had hired them sooner. From costly lawsuits to excessive tax bills to acrimonious severance agreements, business is fraught with peril. If you put a lawyer on speed dial from the inception of your business and use them as a general counsel, they can protect you and your company as your business grows.
Read the Full Article Here
MTV News: We Asked Cops What Really Happens When You’re Busted For A Fake ID (Deepa Lakshmin)
Deepa Lakshim from MTV News spoke to Criminal Defense Attorney Kate Mesic to find out what exactly goes down when you get caught red-handed lying about your age.
Work Wanted: Arrests Don’t Mean a Destroyed Career (Candace Moody)
Candace Moody speaks with Attorney Kate Mesic about helping clients navigate the legal system and minimizing emotional and financial damage after a lapse in judgment.
Delores Barr Weaver Policy Center: New Girls Court to Help Young Moms, Abused Youth Stay Out of the System
Attorney Kate Mesic provided her insight about the new girls court to help young moms, and abused youth stay out of the system.
University of North Florida SBDC: Kate Mesic a SBDC Success Story
Attorney Kate Mesic’s parents immigrated to the United States from Russia when she was just 15 years old so Kate and her sister could have the chance at a better life in America. Kate’s first and most important goal when she came to the US was to master the English language for herself and her parents. During the day, she was an eager high school student. At night, she was helping manage the family finances, acting as interpreter and helping her parents fill out applications so they could get a job to support the family. Kate saw her parents struggle and sacrifice every day and so the only choice for her was to work as hard as she could for herself and for them. She learned quickly that in order to be successful in this country and in life, she had to become a leader, just like she was for her family.
University of North Florida Small Business Development Center Blog
FAWL Journal: An interview with Florida Supreme Court Justice Barbara Pariente
Justice Barbara Pariente graduated summa cum laude from Boston University and graduated 5th in her law school class at George Washing- ton Law School. She began her legal career as a clerk with District Court Judge Norman C. Roettger, Jr., in the Southern District of FL. After her clerkship ended, Justice Pariente joined the law firm of Cone, Wagner, and Nugent in Palm Beach, where she became a partner. For 18 years, she practiced as an AV rated, Board Certified civil trial lawyer and served on the Board of Palm Beach County’s Legal Aid Society.
Florida Association of Women Lawyers Journal(pg16)
The Florida Times-Union: New Girls Court to help young girls, abused youth stay out of the system
On May 8, 2014, Jacksonville Women Lawyers Association hosted Duval County Circuit Court Judge David Gooding. Judge Gooding announced a new program, called “Girls Court” that will focus on girls going through the criminal juvenile system. Judge Gooding was introduced by the President of JWLA and Jacksonville lawyer, Kate Mesic, who expressed her hope that JWLA members will pave the way for other community members to become mentors for the girls.
The Articles Covering the Event can be Found in The Florida Times-Union
Daily Record: Visit with Justice Pariente
On March 13, 2014, Jacksonville Women Lawyers Association (JWLA) hosted the Florida Supreme Court Justice Barbara Pariente, at their monthly luncheon. Jacksonville lawyer, Kate Mesic, the President of JWLA led the luncheon. After the luncheon, Justice Pariente, along with Annette Pitts held a Continuing Legal Education Seminar on the Informed Voter’s Project. This session was a training for attorneys and Judges interested in speaking to community groups about the Informed Voters Project.
The Article Covering the Training can be Found in the Daily Record
UF LAW Class Notes – Fall 2013
Jacksonville lawyer, Kate Mesic, of the Law Offices of Kate Mesic, PA, was named the “2013 Up and Coming Entrepreneur of the Year” by the Women Business Owners North Florida. Hosted by the Women Business Owners of North Florida, the annual Women In Business Awards 2013 event recognizes and honors women who epitomize success in today’s business world. Mesic serves on the executive boards of the Jacksonville Women Lawyers Association and the University of North Florida Pre-Law Board of Advisors. She is a board member of the Women Business Owners organization in the City of Jacksonville.
SBDC Success Story – November 2013
Jacksonville Attorney Kate Mesic’s parents immigrated to the United States from Russia when she was just 15 years old, so Kate and her sister could have the chance at a better life in America. Kate’s first and most important goal when she came to the US was to master the English language for herself and her parents. During the day, she was an eager high school student. At night, she was helping manage the family finances, acting as interpreter and helping her parents fill out applications so they could get a job to support the family. Kate saw her parents struggle and sacrifice every day and so the only choice for her was to work as hard as she could for herself and for them. She learned quickly that in order to be successful in this country and in life, she had to become a leader, just like she was for her family. Kate’s determination to achieve her earliest goal of learning the language resulted in receiving the highest GPA of her graduating class in the English Department of the University of North Florida.
Read the Full Article – UNFSBDC Blog
Open Question – November 2013
Jacksonville criminal defense lawyer Kate Mesic was quoted in a Folio Weekly article asking why drinking in public spaces is allowed on certain occasions. Jacksonville has ordinances covering the open container issue, allowing possession of open containers at certain times in designated areas.
JWLA Planning for 2013-14 Year – May 2013
The Jacksonville Women Lawyers Association swore in its new slate of officers and began making plans for its 2013-14 year at its July 8 board meeting. Clockwise from left, officers are President-elect Zeina Salam, Vice President-Membership Jennifer Richardson, Vice President of Events-Judicial Reception Amelia Henderson, Vice President of Events-Holiday Party Diane Cassaro, immediate past President Katherine Schnauss Naugle, President Kate Mesic, Vice President-Public Relations Kelly Karsteadt, Treasurer Banda Nadeau and Vice President of Events-Opening Reception Joanne Fakhre. Secretary Susannah Collins is not pictured. The organization meets the second Thursday of each month, after the Sept. 12 opening reception.
Read the Full Article – Daily Record
JWLA Board of Directors Announced – June 2013
The 2013-14 association board of directors also was announced at the reception: President Kate Mesic, President-elect Zeina Salam, Treasurer Banda Nadeau, Secretary Susannah Collins; Vice President-Public Relations Kelly Karsteadt, Vice President-Opening Reception Joanne Fakhre, Vice President-Holiday Party Diane Cassaro and Vice President-Judicial Reception Amelia Henderson.
Read the Full Article – Daily Record
Peacock Scholarship Awarded to Kate Mesic – June 2013
Jacksonville Attorney Kate Mesic was awarded the Peacock Scholarship award at the Women Business Owners Dinner Meeting.
Citizenship Day 2013 – Inspiring, life changing – March 2013
While it isn’t the Fourth of July just yet, Citizenship Day helped legal permanent residents celebrate the joys of being an (almost) American citizen. The sixth annual Citizenship Day event was held April 13 at Florida Coastal School of Law. Local attorneys and law students volunteered their time and knowledge to guide legal permanent residents seeking citizenship status. Volunteers counseled the applicants on properly filling out paperwork and what to expect during the naturalization process.
Read the Full Article – Daily Record
Women In Business Awards – March 2013
27th annual Women in Business Awards 2013 at EverBank Field, Touchdown Club West. Presented by: Women Business Owners of North Florida and Professional Women’s Council. Beautiful flowers by: www.bonniesfloraldesigns.com
Congratulations finalists Eva Greenfield, Mary Elizabeth Hafeman, Genie James, Nancy Hogshead-Makar, Elizabeth Paulson, Karen Perkner, Jessica Thomas, Robin Wahby and…
Winners Jacksonville Attorney Kate Mesic, Dr. LaDonna Morris, Dana Stallings, & Jean Watson!
2013 WIB Awards Videos, Behind the Scenes… – February 2013
A look behind the scenes at the 2013 Women in Business Award videos.
Learn From Mistakes, Extending Credit to the “Right” Customers – November 2012
Business attorney, Kate Mesic was recently published in the November 2012 Issue of Advantage Business Magazine. Her Article “Learning from Mistakes, Extending Credit to the “Right” Customers” helps small business owners understand the basics of small claims court, doing a basic check of their potential customers, and basic contract law. An excerpt from the article: “Many times, clients come to me wondering why their customers did not pay them, and what went wrong in their screening process. For businesses providing goods or services on credit, it is essential that their receivables are up to date and the customer information is current. Small business owners often fall into the trap of being the good guy and adhering to the theory of “the customer is always right,” causing them to skip the steps necessary to protect their businesses. I want to share some of the mistakes that my clients have made, in order to demonstrate ways that you can safeguard your business…”
Sunday Editorial: Let’s celebrate all the stories - and see all the faces - of the American Dream
It’s now been 20 years since the day Kate Mesic arrived in America with her family from Russia. They were refugees seeking new lives. Mesic’s parents did not believe that their two daughters — Kate and her older sister, Liza — could have a safe, happy and successful future in Russia.Her parents experienced many hardships under the old Soviet regime, much of it due to Mesic’s parents — mother, Tatyana (Russian Orthodox) and father, Leon (Jewish) — being an interfaith couple. Twenty years.
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Attorney at Law Magazine First Coast
"The following women were nominated to be featured in this special issue by their peers. Each year, Attorney at Law Magazine focuses one issue exclusively on the women who are excelling in the profession of the law. They are not exceptional women as lawyers, they are standout practitioners of the law."