Jacksonville Resisting Arrest Attorney
Understanding Florida’s Statute Chapter 843
Chapter 843 of the Florida Statutes addresses the charge of resisting arrest. Section 843.02 outlines resisting arrest without violence, which is very common charge in Florida. Many times, this charge is added to other criminal charges for minor acts of twisting an arm as the person is being handcuffed or even arguing.
The definition of resisting arrest without violence under Section 843.02 of the Florida Statutes consists of resisting, obstructing, or opposing any law enforcement or probation officer or other person authorized to execute process without offering or doing violence on such authorized officer. Resisting without violence is a 1st degree misdemeanor, punishable by up to one year in jail and up to $1,000.00 fine.
The State must prove several elements in order to convict the defendant at trial:
- The defendant resisted;
- While the officer was lawfully detaining the defendant; and
- The defendant knew the person he or she resisted was an officer of the law.
Don't let an additional charge permanently affect your future. Call our Jacksonville criminal defense attorneys at (904) 615-8950 for aggressive representation.
Resisting Arrest without Violence
Under Florida Statute 843.02 however, the issue many times is whether the defendant’s actions rose to the level of resistance. Minor acts such as tensing the arms while being cuffed, refusing to obey the commands of the officer trying to effectuate an arrest, providing false identification or information, and even fleeing are sufficient to constitute resistance. Flight alone is not resistance. The defendant must have knowingly defied an officer’s command to stop during a lawful execution of a legal duty.
Sometimes, words alone may be sufficient to constitute obstructive conduct when coupled with three different scenarios. These scenarios include situations where the officer in question is serving process, legally detaining a person, or asking for assistance. Speak to our Jacksonville criminal defense lawyers today to discuss your charge.
If you are arrested for resisting arrest without violence, please be aware that there may be defenses available:
- A crime of obstructing an officer without violence requires a showing that the officer was engaged in the lawful execution of a legal duty. Therefore, a defendant has a right to resist an arrest when the officer unlawfully detains or arrests the defendant without the requisite probable cause or reasonable suspicion.
- The law also permits an individual to defend himself against unlawful or excessive force, even when being arrested. This is founded on the notion that a person should be able to use reasonable resistance to protect life and limb that cannot be repaired in the courtroom.
- Any involuntary actions, such as unintentional reflexes, do not constitute resistance.
- If the conduct of the defendant was purely verbal, some First Amendment free speech defenses may also be worth arguing.
Legal Strategies for Resisting Arrest with Violence in Jacksonville
The second type of resisting arrest is with violence. This crime is covered under Florida Statutes, Section 843.01 which defines a person resisting with violence if he or she knowingly and willfully resists, obstructs, or opposes any law enforcement, probation officer, or other person authorized to execute process during the execution of legal process or duty by offering or doing violence to the person performing the arrest.
Just like in the case of resisting arrest without violence, the State must prove certain elements in order to convict someone of resisting arrest with violence:
- The defendant must have resisted or opposed an officer while the officer was engaged in the execution of the legal process.
- The officer must have had legal authority to execute the process.
- The defendant used some sort of violence to obtain resistance.
- The defendant must have known that the person resisted was an officer or other person legally authorized to execute process.
If the prosecution can establish these elements beyond a reasonable doubt, the defendant is guilty of a third degree felony. A third degree felony is punishable by imprisonment of up to five years and a fine of up to $5,000.00.
Similar defenses would apply as in resisting without violence cases. To discuss your case and how our criminal defense lawyers in Jacksonville can help you, schedule your free consultation now.
Resisting arrest
In Florida, resisting arrest without violence occurs when an individual resists, obstructs, or opposes a law enforcement officer in the lawful execution of their duties without using any physical force or violence. This can include actions such as:
- Refusing to comply with a lawful command
- Providing false information to a police officer
- Obstructing an officer during an investigation
- Attempting to evade or flee without physical confrontation
Examples of Resisting Arrest Without Violence
- Example 1: fleeing from an officer who is attempting to conduct an investigative detention, provided the officer has a founded suspicion of criminal activity.
- Example 2: providing false information to a police officer during a valid arrest or a stop.
- Example 3: During a lawful arrest, a person pulls away slightly, tenses up, or verbally objects to the arrest but does not use force or violence against the officer.
- Examples 4: giving a false name to an officer after being arrested can also constitute resisting arrest without violence
Legal Defenses
There are several defenses that can be used to fight a charge of resisting arrest without violence, including:
- The statute requires that the officer be engaged in the lawful execution of a legal duty. If the arrest itself is unlawful, then the defendant has the right to resist without using violence Jing v. State, 316 So. 3d 724, Milliron v. State, 274 So. 3d 1173, Foreshaw v. State, 639 So. 2d 683.
2. The defendant's actions must constitute obstruction or resistance of the lawful duty. This can include words, conduct, or a combination thereof, but mere verbal expression challenging police action is generally not sufficient unless it is intended to impede the officer in the execution of their duties State v. Legnosky, 27 So. 3d 794, Chapper v. State, 351 So. 3d 235, C.E.L. v. State, 24 So. 3d 1181.

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